Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Architectural drawing-Final Drawings

I separated the A2 sheet into four equal parts and drew each plan with an interior image. However i haven't found images relate to level 3 and 4. The Botta house is starting with one quadrant on top floor and concluding with three qudrants. The unfilled quadrants provide steplike sequances of exterior terrances. Hence, in this drawing i also want to show this difference. For the section and elevation, i did the elevation with redering while the section without it. I was trying to find out which way it is better for presentation and the appropriate time to do rendering. Botta believes that building is built from construction, however, it is natural growth in specific environment. Thus, in this drawing i want to explore the difference between these buildings. The circle in the drawing which is like a camera and eyes indicates architects finding the way back to natural. I think it will better if i did some decorations to connect each drawing with another.

Architectural Drawing

In-class Exercises

This is an interesting exercise of practising architectural drawing skills. Through doing this, i practised hand drawing circle, rendering and arranging drawings.

Arranging plans, sections, elevations in two sheets. Thoughful to the process of persentation. I was trying to arrange plans with angles and find out the suitable space for arranging.

Model making

Slectional Balsa model

Transformative action model
Final DrawingsThis model is an improvement of the greycard made model by another student. I have used the transformative actions of linear wrapping and attaching. From this exercise I had a better understanding on the transformative actions and how to improve space-construction correlation. Moreover, I have enhanced my skill on applying different materials for different purposes. The most difficult part of this model is the grass. They are very difficult to adhere onto the balsa wood and they will stick on my fingers. I am not quite satisfied with the model because I did not make enough changes to the original model and I was not able to distinguish all the transformative actions. I think I should do elevating and ripping off transformative actions.


Half of my living space
This model is made of greycard and represents half of my house. This exercise has improved my experience on accurate measuring, cutting. I begin to pay more attention on my surrouding environment after this exercise.

Model making

In-class exercise
Replicated object
This is a 1:1 scale of watch replication. I enjoyed working with Viki. Due to the precise, the tinny parts of the watch are difficult to cut on the cardboard. And we have to get rid of the coarse edges. Moreover we also replicated the cove of the watch. I am quite satisfied with this model.

Two Cubes

Fluid Thought- Individual Drawings

(I am sorry that some of the images are reversed...They displayed correctly on my computer but I can not adjust them in the blog...sorry). This workshop improved my skill of linework, rendering and use of different drawing tools. I was not very good at rendering but I have a better understanding on it after these works.

This is a imagined drawing from two words: cloudy and reflection.

Fluid Thought In-class exercises

This is an excercise on Tone. I have used 3 different colours to represent different tones. This excercise has enhaced my observation of tone relationships, drawing and cutting skills. However, it does not yet have a clear relationship and distinction between the tones.
For this exercise I have tied a pencil onto a long stick then drawn this picture. It was very difficult to draw. This excercise has practiced my skill on hand control.