Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Architectural drawing-Final Drawings

I separated the A2 sheet into four equal parts and drew each plan with an interior image. However i haven't found images relate to level 3 and 4. The Botta house is starting with one quadrant on top floor and concluding with three qudrants. The unfilled quadrants provide steplike sequances of exterior terrances. Hence, in this drawing i also want to show this difference. For the section and elevation, i did the elevation with redering while the section without it. I was trying to find out which way it is better for presentation and the appropriate time to do rendering. Botta believes that building is built from construction, however, it is natural growth in specific environment. Thus, in this drawing i want to explore the difference between these buildings. The circle in the drawing which is like a camera and eyes indicates architects finding the way back to natural. I think it will better if i did some decorations to connect each drawing with another.

1 comment:

Stich said...

I´m from Argentina and i started to study architecture this year and i realy don`t know a lot , but i think it´s great what you did.
Sorry if i wrotte something wrong but i´m studing english too