Light indoors has a very different character to that found outside, mostly down to the lack of direct sunlight found indoors. With human beings in control of the light source there is an added twist in that the light is often designed for a specific purpose.Sunlight indoors is almost always diffused as it bounces between walls, floors and ceilings. Direct sunlight can get in through windows and skylights but because of the comparatively small size of windows in relation to walls much of our homes never comes under the light of the sun before it has been reflected by one surface or another.The colour of the light is dependent on many things: firstly the weather will affect the light coming through the window, if it is overcast the initial light will be white, grey or blue. In sunny conditions it will be either blue skylight or white, yellow or red sunlight .Once the light comes through the window it will also be affected by the surfaces that it reflects from in the room. Wall, floor and furniture colours will all influence the light as it bounces around.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Light and Interior space
Light indoors has a very different character to that found outside, mostly down to the lack of direct sunlight found indoors. With human beings in control of the light source there is an added twist in that the light is often designed for a specific purpose.Sunlight indoors is almost always diffused as it bounces between walls, floors and ceilings. Direct sunlight can get in through windows and skylights but because of the comparatively small size of windows in relation to walls much of our homes never comes under the light of the sun before it has been reflected by one surface or another.The colour of the light is dependent on many things: firstly the weather will affect the light coming through the window, if it is overcast the initial light will be white, grey or blue. In sunny conditions it will be either blue skylight or white, yellow or red sunlight .Once the light comes through the window it will also be affected by the surfaces that it reflects from in the room. Wall, floor and furniture colours will all influence the light as it bounces around.
ARCH1201-Project 2 Dutch painting
Pieter de Hooch's Linen closet( 1663) 70cm*75.5cm
In this painting, the closrt and the exterior space could be the brightest areas. The strong sensation is that the viwer couldn't just stay static, but onvited to move though the space depicted. Although the little girl is in black. However she is mirror the young woman standing in front of the closet. For example, they both hold their hands at waist. Hence, the little gilr could also be the centre point of this painting.
A man and a woman standing in front of the closet and the little standing by the door leading outside. While the gilr's eyes are show interesting to what is inside the closet. Thus, this little girl may be imaging the world in side the closet is another kind of world.
My narrative is: A Child's Hallway into Fantasy
ARCH1201-Project 2
I use orange and blue plastics to identify cold and warm color which create different mood of the space.
For some of walls, there are no windows on them cause i wanna to create the mood the little girl may be scared by no lights around her. While there are varies gaps on the wall which light can coming though them and lead the girl to find the way to fantasy world.
When the light coming first though the skylight and the pin holes. The space inside is different from what is outside.
Using basic elements: circle and suqare to create the space and use the balsa wood as material are because the last project House for Dr BatholomeuszZaw. The most significant point get from it is nature. For this project I also want to explore the geometry that create unformal shadows on them when the light coming though the gaps. it can also be a part of the girl's imagnation.