Tuesday, May 12, 2009

ARCH1201-Project 2 Dutch painting

Pieter de Hooch's Linen closet( 1663) 70cm*75.5cm

In this painting, the closrt and the exterior space could be the brightest areas. The strong sensation is that the viwer couldn't just stay static, but onvited to move though the space depicted. Although the little girl is in black. However she is mirror the young woman standing in front of the closet. For example, they both hold their hands at waist. Hence, the little gilr could also be the centre point of this painting.

A man and a woman standing in front of the closet and the little standing by the door leading outside. While the gilr's eyes are show interesting to what is inside the closet. Thus, this little girl may be imaging the world in side the closet is another kind of world.

My narrative is: A Child's Hallway into Fantasy

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